The staff at Charlton & Jenrick Ltd chose Hope House as there nominated charity back in 2013. Hope House provide care and support to life-limited children, young people and their families from Shropshire, Cheshire, North and Mid Wales.
In that first year a number of fundraising activities were organised by the dedicated members of staff and as a whole the company raised over £2,100.
Since this first year the company as continued to fund raise and donate a similar amount every year. At the beginning of 2017 the staff at Charlton & Jenrick decided that although this was a very good effort, they wished to raise even more for such a worthy charity. With the help and guidance of Lynsey Kilvert (Area Fundraiser at Hope House) a plan was devised and as well as the usual bake sales, sponsored activities and chocolate raffles the company split into teams to compete and max out the pot!
Throughout September and October the three teams (The Pink Flamingoes, Team Infinity and Team No Hope – Help!) set about coming up with events. The bake sales got upgraded to bacon sandwich/French pastry mornings and paintballing and clay pigeon shooting became the weekend activity of many of the staff, family and friends. There were raffles for an Xbox, £200 in cash and bumper raffle that included Hospitality tickets to Wolverhampton Wanderers, Spa Days, Cocktail making, Hampers and a Brewery tour to name but a few.
All these great efforts resulted in the company handing over a cheque to Lynsey at Hope House for £4,681.03, a record that staff are extremely pleased although thoughts are already turning to how they can better this in 2018.
Barry Charlton (owner & director) commented:
“We are extremely pleased with the dedication and passion, which the staff put into the thoughts and activities of supporting Hope House. It is a measure of them that they show the same level of professionalism and drive that they apply to their daily jobs at Charlton & Jenrick.”
What was particularly pleasing this year participating in the team challenge was the wonderful help and support we were given by a large number of local companies. The list is too extensive to name all now but all details of supporting companies can be found on our dedicated web page Without their support we would not have been nearly as successful, thank you to them all.”