In light of the recent announcement to ban coal and wet wood as soon as next year, now is a great time to make the switch from an old, inefficient stove or open fire towards an Ecodesign Ready stove. Burning wet wood, has a significant impact on efficiency, as you can see below:

The environmental focus on burning wood has never been so much in the spotlight until only recently. The fact is huge environmental benefits, not to mention the cost savings, can be realised when switching to Ecodesign Ready stoves. Sadly some in the media totally fail to highlight this simple fact.
You can burn wood and be environmentally friendly by investing in an Ecodesign Ready stove.
Independent tests carried out by Kiwa, show Ecodesign Ready stoves produce up to 90% fewer emissions than open fires, and up to 80% fewer emissions than stoves aged 10 years plus.
Figures from the BEIS Domestic Wood Survey, show that open fires and older stoves account for over 51% of the UK’s annual wood fuel consumption. In London an estimated 70% of wood that is being burnt for domestic heating is being used on open fires.
The facts are simple:

Ecodesign Ready is part of the solution. Open fires and old stoves (and inaccurate reporting!) are part of the problem.
From January 2022…..
From 1st January 2022 all stoves sold in the UK will need to be Ecodesign Ready. We have been selling Ecodesign Ready stoves for a while now, a number of years ahead of this ruling.
Interested? You can locate your local Ecodesign stove showroom here.