We’ve already provided one thing you can do when grounded at home – cleaning your stove. If you’ve missed this, you can read the full article here.
Okay, cleaning a stove may not be the most interesting way to pass time during lockdown, and if you don’t actually own a stove it would be a pointless read anyway. So we have put our heads together during our weekly update, and have jotted a few ideas down on paper to keep us occupied during this period. We thought we would share some of these with you.

Tip #1 – Have a House Party – A virtual one of course! Keeping connected with friends and family is really important when you’re stuck at home. This can be as simple as a group text chat on Facebook, or a video chat, inviting whoever you wish. Why not get the ball rolling and message a few people now?
Tip #2 – Keep Fit – Probably not the most interesting of activities for some, mainly due to the limited things you can do in a house, but keeping fit will help with both your physical and mental health. Depending on your level fitness you can do a wide range of things, from star jumps in the kitchen to yoga in the lounge. There is lots online to help you with this too.
Tip #3 – Become an e-Volunteer – You can volunteer from the comfort of your own home. From graphic design to social media marketing and much more – it’s all available, and could even lead to paid work depending on the specific thing you’re doing.
Tip #4 – Start Upcycling – Don’t throw things away, upcycle them. Upcycling involves finding other uses for things, which you thought you no longer need. The list is endless, but here are a few ideas we’ve thought of:
a. Turning food cans into small plant pots.
b. A disused cup (we all have them sat in the back of the cupboard) into a unique cup-candle – you just need to know how to make candles and go from there.
c. An almost or totally empty large paint tin – can make a brilliant wine ice bucket! All you need is a clean tin and some creative ideas and you’re away.
d. A disused tissue box can easily be made into a desk organiser – great when working from home!
Tip #5 – Have a Clothes Clearout – What better way is there to use this downtime to go through your clothes, and the ones you no longer use (and don’t make excuses!) take them out, put into a bag, and when the lockdown lifts, donate them to charity. Many charities will really be struggling after all this, and so you could really be helping them out, whilst freeing up space in your wardrobe.
Tip #6 – Take a Planet Friendly Challenge – Since the lockdown, which has been implemented in so many countries, there has been some significant things happening. In many countries, including the UK, there has been a marked improvement in air pollution due to less people using their cars. You can take inspiration from this can set your own planet friendly challenge, which will give you a goal and focus – even if it’s just for a bit of fun. Why not try going meat free for a month? Or see if you can totally avoid single use plastic? Have a think and see what would inspire you.

Whatever you plan to do during this lockdown, make sure you stay safe, healthy and happy.