HHIC (Heating & Hotwater Industry Council) have recently agreed on new clear labelling for appliances which run on hydrogen.
The labels will show three separate categories:
Hydrogen Blend Compatible – Capable of running on a blend of hydrogen in the gas network.
Hydrogen Ready Appliances – Capable of running on a 20% blend but which can be converted by a Gas Safe engineer to run on 100% hydrogen.
100% Hydrogen – An appliance built specifically to run on 100% hydrogen without the need for conversion.
Below are these labels:

We are moving closer to decarbonisation, and these labels are much needed, as hydrogen becomes more a part of our world. It is very important consumers know what these labels mean so they can easily identify what an appliance can (and can’t) do.
Hydrogen – The Green Credentials:
Apart from hydrogen not emitting any carbon when it is burnt, there are also some great advantages of such, essentially from its energy output. Hydrogen contains a large amount of energy. There is the same energy in 1kg of hydrogen as there is in 2.8kg of gasoline.
For each million British Thermal Units (BTU) of energy (the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit), natural gas will emit 117lbs of CO2, while coal will produce 228lbs. If we were to switch the UK’s entire gas system to hydrogen, it would cut carbon emission by (as a minimum) 73%. This would go a very long way in making a cleaner, greener environment for all.
We are making positive steps towards Net-Zero.