For a number of years, the UK has been carrying out tests and performing various trials for hydrogen blends in homes – these trials essentially look at blending hydrogen into the gas grid to lower carbon emissions. Winlaton in Gateshead was the first area to receive a hydrogen blend through the public natural gas network.
The project started in August 2021 and ran for a number of months. During this period, almost 700 homes, one school, several businesses and a church all ran on natural gas, which was blended with 20 per cent hydrogen. This project was deemed a success – which has been a key milestone along the long, complex road to low-carbon hydrogen heating.

To reach the 2050 Net Zero target, we need to reduce the average household’s CO2 emissions by an enormous 95%. Moving to greener alternatives like hydrogen will give us the best possible chance of reaching Net Zero by 2050.
We need to act fast, as we are already seeing the impacts of climate change, such as the ultra-hot temperatures recorded around the world in July 2023 and the forest fires in Rhodes and other locations around the world.
As part of our continued investment in the latest gas fire technology, we have taken extensive in-house testing to allow a selection of our gas range to be “Hydrogen Blend Ready” – so you will be able to run the fire on blended hydrogen without any further modifications.
There are significant benefits of a hydrogen gas fire, which include:
1. They produce zero carbon emissions when in use
2. They contribute (significantly) to reaching Net Zero – Switching to hydrogen blend could save up to 6 million tonnes of carbon dioxide each year.
3. Running costs will very possibly be reduced. This is because hydrogen does not need to be fracked as natural gas does.
4. Hydrogen can be used in pretty much limitless abundance – compared to gas which has finite supplies.
5. A hydrogen (ready) gas fire is a future-proof purchase
6. Hydrogen is energy dense. On a BTU/lb basis, Hydrogen has about 2.5 times the energy density of methane. So, if you burn one pound of hydrogen vs one pound of natural gas, you will get 2.5 times the energy
7. A hydrogen gas fire will work the same as a normal gas one – as in, there is nothing to learn or adapt to for the end user.

But what about any disadvantages?
1. Hydrogen is currently quite expensive to produce, but new cheaper ways to prepare it for use are underway.
2. Hydrogen is much more flammable than other gases.
3. While producers are always looking at cleaner production methods, currently, there can be a carbon impact from producing hydrogen ready for heating. When hydrogen is combusted, it produces water – this is not an issue. It’s the preparation of hydrogen in the first place which can generate a carbon footprint.