There are a number of methods to light a stove, where speed and efficiency, with a good burn and as less smoke as possible, should be at the forefront of your mind. So we suggest using the top-down method. With the top-down method, the largest logs are placed at the bottom of the fire, and the smaller logs are on top of these. Finally, the kindling is placed at the top.
It seems odd to burn from the top. Surely you should let me flames move upwards from the bottom? While some prefer this approach, using the tried and tested top-down method is best as it helps ensure:
1. A cleaner and quicker ignition with less smoke
2. A hotter and longer burn for the duration of the fire

What is kindling?
Kindling are small bits of wood that are specifically used for quickly starting a fire. You don’t need to use them, but it really helps. A match or lighter does not have the power to ignite logs alone. Well, not very easily, at least. Once kindling is lit, it has the energy to light the larger logs with speed and efficiency – it’s also great at helping quickly create the optimum operating temperature for your fire.
Kindling can be made from most types of wood, although softer woods work best. Pine is particularly good as it burns fast, as is cedar and spruce. Its important kindling is dry as if it’s not, it will significantly impact its ability to ignite.
How to build:
When you burn a fire from the top down, you will produce less smoke, and the fire will be easier to start. To start, you need to create a strong base of larger logs. Make sure the logs you use are well-seasoned. Also, make sure you have removed any ash and debris from the last fire.
You should have three layers of smaller logs, around 40% to 75% of the size of the larger logs, which will sit on the log base in a criss-cross fashion. You can add the smallest logs on top to make the fire complete.
Finally, you should then add some kindling on top. If you wish, you can also add some tightly twisted newspaper on top, which you will then be lighting first – which will quickly ignite the kindling. You can then sit back and enjoy your fire come to life.
Here is the science behind top-down:
The top-down method is so good as it produces a great deal of heat with much less smoke. This is a concept called “complete combustion”. If you light a fire from the bottom, the flames have a hard time heating the wood above it.
The heated wood from the larger logs release gases which create smoke. With the top-down method, as outlined here, the flames from the kindling heat the larger logs at the bottom, but as the gases are released from these large logs, which would have created smoke, they burn off immediately as they travel upwards towards the flames – so lots less smoke.
This results in a fire which is long, hot and delightful to watch. Plus a great deal less polluting too.