Some people assume that wood-burning stoves are mainly purchased by those living in quaint country cottages or large, well-established homes. This is simply not the case. Wood-burning stoves can be fitted into new build homes. According to government building statistics, in the year ending March 2022, there were 204,530 new homes built across the UK. A number of these will have a wood-burning stove fitted either before the first owners take occupation of a new property or soon after.
Fitting a wood-burning stove in a new build can be tricky. Compared to a home built before 2008, there is now much more to consider. One point is that you need to ensure there is a good supply of combustion air which does not impact the home’s air permeability. New homes are quite airtight, so this must be factored in when installation takes place.

Making sure the correct flue is fitted is also a huge consideration, as is knowing where to best locate the stove and flue to guard against combustible materials. In new build homes, where, compared to old properties, have exceptional levels of insulation, there often needs to be extra ventilation devices employed.
External air kits can be supplied with wood-burning stoves (also known as a direct air kit or external air ventilation kit). These kits can supply air from the outside of the property. Our Purevision and Woodtec range of stoves come with the added option of an external air kit.

If you want to fit a stove to a new build property, it is best to position the stove by an external wall. You don’t need to do this, but anywhere else would require ducting to be fed from the stove under the floor and then outside – which is far from ideal. For new builds which have a stove fitted, a twin wall flue is the most common ventilation installation. If a chimney has already been built into the new build, this can be used.
Find a local showroom and start your discussion about fitting a wood-burning stove in your home.