The 1st of September is the first day of (metrological) autumn. If you still feel it’s summer, you can ignore this and wait until 22 September, when astronomical autumn starts.

Metrological vs Astromonical:
Metrological autumn (or winter, spring or summer) is based on the annual temperature cycle, as well as coinciding with the start of the calendar month, to make a clear transition between the seasons.
Astronomical autumn is all to do with the rotation of the earth around the sun. The Autumnal Equinox marks the beginning of (Astronomical) autumn, and that is when the sun is directly over the equator.
What Autumn Means to us:
Autumn marks the start of our busy period. With the cooler evenings and shorter days, people tend to focus their attention more towards indoors. Fires and stoves once again do their jobs in making a warm, inviting home.
Prepare Your Home for Autumn:
Spring Autumn clean your home. It makes more sense to clean your home in autumn. You’re going to be spending more time in your home over the coming months, so cleaning makes good sense. It also makes your spring clean much easier when the time comes. An autumn clean can help remove cobwebs, which may encourage spiders to leave your home….if you’re lucky.
Clean the oven. It may sound strange but autumn is a great time to do this. Over the autumn and winter months, we tend to use the oven more. Fewer cold foods, fewer salads, and more cooked food to warm you on those cold days…
Clean and service your stove or fire. We’ve already posted a lot about this recently. Having a chimney cleaned by a professional chimney sweep is very wise, as is having it serviced. This reduces the chances of chimney fires, carbon monoxide poisoning and other undesirable things happening when you’re heating your home. Having the work done in the autumn will also mean come to the very cold weather, you should have a well serviced, safe and efficient fire.
Candles and or Pot Pourri. Both can give a wonderful scent to the home any time of the year. But there is something particularly inviting during autumn to have scents from candles and/or potpourri. There is a huge range available. Some of the most popular potpourris include cinnamon, apple, and orange-based scents. Similar scents are available for candles too.
Have a clear out. Make more space in your home, clear out your unwanted items, including clothes, toys and other things and give to a charity, recycle or sell. Charities often welcome more donations at this time of the year. Also, selling can be a great way of generating additional income, which could be very welcome in the long run-up to Christmas. More cash, more space and the chance of helping a charity of your choice. Sounds good to us.
Clean your gutters. Doing this in the autumn will be much easier than in the winter, so it’s worth taking the time to either do this yourself or hire someone to do this before it gets too cold. They can also advise on any preventative work, which may be needed. The last thing you want on a cold, wet evening is a flooded gutter.